Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dump Day - May 8

The Tegucigalpa city dump, where people, cattle, and buzzards fight for the same food.  People work and live there.  It is filthy.  The smell is indescribable. People are often sick from rummaging through the garbage and the filth.  And for those that rummage to find something they can sell, they are receiving less money for more product.

Five years ago, regular feeding began in the dump.  A weekly hot meal continues for those that live and work in and near the Tegucigalpa city dump.  These truly are the poorest of the poor.

Feeding is important, but this ministry has gone beyond feeding only.  Several children are now attending school.  Medical care and dental care is being provided to some.  Bible studies.  Bibles are regularly asked for.  And, regularly bought.  Marc has helped with funerals. 

Relationships have been formed.  The people in the dump know Marc and Matt and others will be there every Wednesday.  They know who they can call, when they really need something.

A sixteen year old had her two front teeth pulled in March.  No one, especially a 16 year old girl wants to not have their two front teeth.  We would love to get implants for her.  They are only $600.00. 

In December, we fed 1600 people at the Jesus Banquet, a sit down banquet and these hard working people were served.

Weekly feedings, implants, school, medical care, funerals, the Jesus banquet, all of this takes money.  We only ask for dump funds once a year.  Next Wednesday, May 8, is dump day.  Please pray about making a donation.  A monthly pledge works just as well.  Please join  us in fasting and praying on that day.

Angie is now going to school and no longer working in the dump because of dump funds.

The Jesus Banquet- hundreds were served a meal from one of the best restaurants in Tegucigalpa.

A house in the middle of the dump
Workers in the dump
Working in the dump - a not so great work environment

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