Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Night Football

I grew up in Texas.  And, for those of you that do not know, football is king.  Every high school in the state that can field a team was playing tonight.  Some in huge stadiums, some in not so big stadiums.  In little towns, like Borger, most of the town goes.

I was little when I started going to watch the Borger Bulldogs play on Friday night.  My family went to every home game.  By the time I was in junior high and high school, it was a lot more fun to go with friends than family.

It has been a long time since I have been to a Friday night football game in Borger.  But, I went tonight with Janet and Rick.  I had fun.  The stadium.  The lights. The band. The fight song  The traditions.  The memories.

Many years ago, Tanya and I spent many Friday nights cheering our team.

Shauna came and sat with us, too.

In the section next to us, the class of '77 was having a reunion.  The class of  '74 had our own mini reunion.

Borger did not win tonight.  I think that has been the case many times this season.  I still had fun.

The first game in this stadium was played in 1952.  At the end of this season, 2 more home games, this stadium will be torn down and new stadium built. 

It is kind of sad to see this old stadium go.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

I Cried A Million Tears

Twenty  five years ago, the Tindalls moved to Antioch.  Antioch has never been the same.  We were never the same.

In our neighborhood, everyone was new.  The neighborhood was full of kids.  We made friends quickly.  Our church was full of warm, welcoming people.  Again we made friends quickly.  Those deep friendships that last a life time.

As in every place, I have lived there has been some bad things happen, but there are many  sweet memories that were made in Antioch.  Haunted houses.  The food pantry.  Neighborhood parties.  Many, many more.

I have been blessed to be in Antioch since Tuesday afternoon.  The changes and growth are unbelievable.  I rode around with my mouth open saying, "I can't believe this."

Antioch, you were good to me this week.  You have always been good to me.  I have seen one friend from my neighborhood and several from church.  I did not see everyone, but I saw several.

This morning in church, it felt like home.  Even after all these years.  Tonight in church, there was a song service and then ice cream fellowship.  The songs.  The friends.  The memories.  They overpowered me.  During one song, I had the whole row crying.  I thought I might do it again.  I didn't.

Yes, I have cried a million tears this week.  Good friends and good memories do that to me.

Until next time, Antioch.