Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tonight I Am Sad

This morning I was taking pictures and enjoying myself watching the kids get ready for the first day of school.  After they left, I came down here and ate my breakfast.  I blogged.  I checked facebook, checked my email, sent a few emails, and thought about beginning the rest of my day.

I left the computer on and walked up to Casa to get the pay book.  Today was payday and I needed to get payroll done and had a list of errands in town to do.  I got the pay book and walked back down here.  I was gone 5 minutes, tops.

In my email was a new email from my sister and an email from facebook that said Rick Tindall has sent you a message.  I commented about my brother-in-law had sent me an email, never dreaming it could be anything bad.  Thinking, wow in five minutes I sure got a lot of email from my family, I chose to open the one from my sister.  It said call me either on my cell or at mom's.  The first realization that something was wrong.  My sister should have been at work, not at my mom's house.  I called immediately. She told me, our stepdad had died.  He and my mom had been married almost nine years and friends much, much longer than that.

I then called Marc and then Nathan.  I knew Nicole was in school and that would have to wait.  It was approaching 9:30 when I called Marc and he said did I want to leave today.  Well, yes I wanted to do, but that was physically impossible.  I began to try to book a ticket to get out of here tomorrow, which I finally acconplished.  I am leaving for Amarillo tomorrow.

I eventually got back to the email and was reminded of the fb message from Rick.  I went to fb and that message said you need to call Jana.  Now, if my brother-in-law ever sends me another message on facebook, I will think it is bad news.

I am very sad tonight.  Sad for our loss.  Sad that I am not with my mom tonight.  Nicole titled her blog "My Heart Hurts".  I did not want to copy her title, but my heart hurts tonight. 

I am sad for this loss.  But I am also sad that I couldn't be with mom today and tonight.

Please pray for my mom, for my stepdad's daughters, and for me as I travel tomorrow.  The travel day is always long, but when you are going for a reason such as this, it tends to be a bit longer.



Anonymous said...

So sad for you, your Mom and family, Terri. Happy you will be here tomorrow, even though I know you wish it could be sooner. I was over a couple of times today. Your Mom is sad, but is handling things so much better than I expected. She is looking forward to you being here and we are all praying for a safe trip, and that God will give you a peace that passeth all understanding. Love you! Sue

Jeanne said...

Oh Terri, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm praying for your mom and family and for you right now. I guess you're still en route.

Love you!

RobinLynn said...

Terri, we'll be lifting you and your Mom and family up in prayers. So sorry for your loss. I know your hugs and just being there are going to mean so much to your Mom.
Love and Prayers,