Friday, February 11, 2011

I Never Cease To Be Amazed

For three and a half years I have written about life in Honduras.  About getting our driver's licenses.  About spending days getting vehicles registered (makes the DMV look pretty good).  About the bank being out of money.  About living in a cash society and having to stand in line at the bank to pay the electricity bill and the phone bill.  We could do a quick review of this blog and come up with all sorts of stories.  I have lived here long enough that I think I can't be amazed at it anymore.  WRONG!

When we first got a land line, we had to go once a month to the Hondutel office in Santa Ana and pick up the bill.  And then go to a bank to pay in cash.  That office closed.  So we had to get the bills in Loarque for one month.  That is about 30 minutes in the car from here.  That was not too bad for us because we pass there all the time.  Then we were told we could get the bill from the Hondutel office in Ojojona.  That didn't last too long either.  The office in Ojojona said they are not our bills and we do not want to deal with this.  So, we went to the mayor's office here in Santa Ana to get the bill.  The mayor's office did not like dealing with it either.

This is not just us.  Everyone in Santa Ana that has a telephone was going here, there and everywhere for their phone bill.

Now we must go to the bank to pay the bill.  Well, we have always done that, correct.  Only we don't have a printed bill.  We just go pay the bill.  We have no way to see the bill, to see if the charges are correct,  or to dispute the bill if we think it is too high.  We pay whatever the banks says we owe. 

At least after we pay the bill, we get a printed receipt showing what we paid.


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