Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Flat

When we went to Costa Rica in November, we had a flat on the way to Costa Rica and again on the way home.  Two weeks ago Marc went to Copan and had a flat on the way and again on the way home.  It is kind of a joke.

Today, we took six kids high into the mountains to see their parents.  Marc looked at back right tire and said that doesn't look too good.  He left and drove down to the highway and got it fixed.  But, he also changed tires and was using that tire as the spare and put the old spare on the car.  When he got back, I commented that the tire looked worse than the one he changed.

At 3:00, we started home.  We got to Sabana Grande and had a flat.  So what else is new, it happens all the time.  Only we had six kids in the car.  The kids and I stayed in the car.  Trust me, this was a much better option than getting out of the car.  We were on a highway where trucks come racing through.  Had I lived through the experience of trying to keep the kids off the highway and alive, I would have aged several years.

We did not feel the car being raised in the back.  Fernando immediately had to go to the bathroom.  That is not so huge for a boy.  Then Ana did.  I knew all four girls had gone to the bathroom before we left their parent's house.  I opened the front and back doors and told her to get out of the car and go.  Of course, Fernando is trying to look at her.  Ana was not very happy when I told her to take her paper to the trash.  Then Katty has to go.  Open the front and back doors again.  She pulls her jeans down without unbuttoning and unzipping them.  When she finished, she could not get them back up.  Katty gladly prissed around with her paper looking for the trash.

Inside the car, the kids are touching and doing the she's-in-my-space, he-looked-at-me thing.  And yes, this was still better than being outside the car and keeping them off the highway.

When the tire was back on the car, we were dropped rather suddenly.  The kids were squealing and laughing. They loved that and wanted to do it again.

Fortunately, the rest of the way home was without incident except for just the normal stuff that goes with six kids in one car.


1 comment:

mandnfitz said...

If the missionary thing doesn't work out, looks like dad might have a promising future working with NASCAR.