Saturday, May 2, 2009

Healing Rain

Healing Rain is a title to a song by Michael W. Smith, one of my favorite artists. He is really singing about the healing rain of mercy washing us clean. But the words from the song, "Healing rain is coming down, healing rain is coming down" played in my mind over and over again as we got our first rain today.

As I drove back from town today, I could see several fires burning. I could smell smoke. I could smell dust. But I could also smell rain. Shortly after I arrived at Casa, the first drops began to sound on this tin roof. I thought it would rain a few minutes and stop. That is usually the way the rainy season begins.

It rained for over six hours. A nice, slow soaking rain. A healing rain. Healing this dry, parched, thirsty land. I am sure the ground just enjoyed drinking of that healing rain. The rain has cooled things down considerably.

Thank you God for healing rain.


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