Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week One Is Almost History

Week one of summer groups is winding down.  The first 13 leave tomorrow and everyone else leaves Friday.  It has been an amazing week and, I am quite sure, all the others will be just as amazing.

Groups from Texas, Oklahoma and Ohio have been.  Forty nine people have just about filled the mission house.  Fourteen houses will have been built.  Yesterday the groups from Oklahoma and Texas went on a field trip and built 3 houses down near the Nicaraguan border.  They left early, returned late and the temperature was hot.  And Matt lost a tire of his truck.  While he was driving it.  Praise God, Matt and John are ok and the car was repaired the same day.

Everyone went to the dump today, many for the very first time. 

The Casa kids were spoiled with Kentucky Fried Chicken and a movie.  Randy spoiled Fernando in a big way.  The Santa Ana youth group was treated to lunch and then played soccer with the Ohio group.  The hospital and blind school were visited.

And the ice cream in the store was huge hit.

Praise God for the work that was accomplished in his name.  


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