Monday, November 5, 2012

Yay For Josue

The twins will be one year old this month.  Olman is sitting and crawling and progressing as he should be.  Josue is not.  We are very concerned about this.  We have a neurologist appointment later in the month.  He also will be seeing a pediatrician for a thorough check up. 

Over the weekend, my friend Kim was here.  In her other life, before she became a missionary and opened a children's home, she was a physical therapist.  Saturday evening she spent some time with Josue and told Mirian some things she should be doing daily with Josue.  Mirian listened intently.

The milk came this morning.  I left my desk to pay the milkman.  As I was walking back to the house, ( I so easily get distracted) I walked into Mirian's house.  She put a blanket on the floor as Kim had suggested.  I got in the floor and started moving Josue's arms and legs as Kim had.  I helped him roll over onto his stomach.  Josue then raised up on all fours.  We were cheering.  Then he began his to crawl.  It was giant, slow motions, but he crawled.  Mirian said it was the first time.  We called Reina in from the kitchen to watch.  We all cheered and clapped.

Yay for Josue!


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