Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Many Saturday mornings as of late, I have spent cleaning, organizing and sorting in the store and the stockroom.  This is very therapeutic for me.  This past Saturday as I cleaned, organized, sorted and condensed, a lot of empty boxes become available.  Most of them were ripped and not good to really hold and carry stuff.  I broke some of them down, and the others I left inside the dorm.

Yesterday there was so school post election day.  I pulled the boxes out of the dorm.  We would have thought Christmas had arrived early.  The kids squealed with delight.  My personal thought was it would be a good diversion for at least 10 minutes.

The boxes kept the kids occupied most of the day.  I saw Karen picking up a few pieces at the end of the day, but for the most part the boxes were intact. All the kids enjoyed the boxes.

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