Friday, March 13, 2009

Rosita The Charmer

Today I went to the market and did several other errands in town. I planned it where I would meet Rosy at the bus stop before I headed back up the mountain.

I had just barely got Rosy in my car, when I got pulled over. Getting pulled over is no big deal in this country. It happens all the time. In fact, lately it has been happening a lot more than normal. Usually, if you are nice to the policeman, show your registration and license, they wave you on. And when they find out we work in a children's home, they usually wave us on. Once in a while, one of them likes to hassle gringos, especially gringas. It is a law all vehicles have to have a fire extinguisher and a safety triangle and various other things. They can ask to see any or all of these things and if you don't have them, you can be fined. I don't have a fire extinguisher in my car. I need to take care of that.

After I was pulled over, I began to get my license and registration. Rosy is sitting there like a perfect little angel, smiling the most adorable smile right at the policeman. It could not have been more perfect if I had planned it. Of course, if I had planned it, she would have been not so perfect.

The policeman asked me if that was my child. In near perfect spanish, at least at first, I explained I worked in a children's home and she was deaf. I struggled a bit more trying to say we were on our way home from Manos Felices. The policeman waited patiently as I struggled through that last sentence and seemed as pleased as I was when I finally got it out.

We walked around the car, looked in the back and saw the car was packed with fruits and vegetables. He walked back to the window and said thanks for the work you are doing. Most of the policemen do seem grateful that we are trying to help the children. I know that helped, him not asking to see anything other than my license and registration, but I think the biggest help was Rosy sitting there smiling at him with her little angelic face.



Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful that smiles are a universal "sign" language all their own? I know that Rosita's precious smile must have glowed! Now...go get a fire extinguisher! :)

Ginger said...

A reason to laugh, shout, clap, and dance in the street when you don't have to pay a ticket!!
When you get down and think your work in vain, and not worth the struggle, it helps to reflect back on the amazing smile God has given Rosita the Charmer!! And how she helped at this particular time.