Monday, November 5, 2007

Somebody Lied

I did like living in Illinois. I just was not too fond of those long cold winters. I like warm weather. After making the decision to move to Honduras, I thought I will never be cold again. Somebody lied about that. Yesterday, we woke up to a cool and windy morning. It got colder as the day went on. By nightfall, it was just plain frigid. I could not get warm in this house. And the wind was howling and the rain was falling. I thought I would go to bed and read. If I was under the covers, surely I would be warm. That didn't really work either. My hands had to be out from under the covers in order to hold the book. I tossed the book aside and tried to get warm under the covers. It was so cold. Remember the Medicci. I got up and found another blanket. That seemed to do the trick. I began to get warm and drift off to sleep. I slept very well under all those blankets. The rain stopped during the night, but it was still cold this morning. Hard to crawl out from under my nice warm nest.

After finally deciding to get out of bed this morning, I thought of all the people here in Honduras that didn't have extra blankets last night. Many didn't even have a blanket. Some were sleeping on the floor. And many more didn't have an airtight house as that wind and rain were blowing. I can't even imagine how miserable they must have been last night. Were they trying to keep their babies warm, while they stayed cold?

I hope I never forget how blessed I am. I hope I never become blind to the needs of those around me that need so much.



Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
Having so fond an affection for you and Marc, we are pleased you didn't freeze to death last night.

What a joy it is to always here from you on your blog. I see the fruit of how God is working in your lives!

We pray you will experience incredible blessings in your friendships with others in Honduras and even more that you will feel the breath of God on your face to warm you and others in Honduras.

Janet said...

Of course I was thinking of the Medici - long before you mentioned it. That was a miserable night! I'm sorry that you were so cold again! But praise God for your concern for all the others that were cold. Thank you for being Jesus to the people there.

You're in our prayers.
Love you, Janet