Thursday, November 8, 2007

I Don't Know

Anyone that has ever been to Honduras knows everything here moves on its own time. It is even worse when you live here. I usually can roll with the flow. Today is a real "welcome to Honduras" day. Seems no one knows how to say anything but I don't know.

We have been waiting on two containers of food for a month. Marc called to see if they would be in today. I don't know. Noel and Joanna are moving today. We want to help them load their truck. When will the truck be here? I don't know. When will my internet move at a pace fast enough to pay a few bills online and send a few emails? I don't know. When will my head quit hurting? I don't know.

When will I chill and take time to place all of this in God's hands?


1 comment:

Ginger said...

Hello my friend,
You have already established the fact that Honduras is really a difficult place to live awhile back when you first moved there.
Sigh.....I am so sorry that things have not improved nor will they ever improve it seems. All the "I dunno's" that you get in reply to your needed questions would give me a headache too.
There have been so many things that cause discouragement in Honduras. It has been quite theraputic for me to see someone like you go on no matter what Satan throws your way.
Sounds like you and I both are having one of those "okay, God you win" days. At the end of the day you always find a blessing no matter what the circumstances you dealt with earlier.
You and I must remember that what looks like a frustration and interruption to our "to do" list, can often be a blessing in disguise. :)
Plans that we think are messed up, God can use to bring us the best treasures.

You always make me feel so connected when I read your blog.
Sending you a cyber hug.

Pearley is very busy doing outside things. Cleaning his shop, throwing away junk. It took him an hour to do a project that I should have done already. He went into the hut and cleaned out my lids and containers. If it didn't have a lid he threw it away. If it had a lid he found the container it went with and put the lid on it and placed the good stuff in boxes instead of all the hundreds of containers just being scattered everywhere. I use all those plastic containers for caring cooks and have saved things when I shouldn't have saved things. Some of it is trash and needs to be thrown away. The garbage man is going to have a lot to pick up tomorrow with all the junk he has discarded today.

I do hope this is not too long. Maybe I should have emailed instead.
Love, Ginger