Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My God Is A God Who Hears And Answers Prayers

About 4:30, one of the employees realized two of the boys were missing. We did not know how long they had been missing, maybe up to two hours. Normally, we could not go that long without missing kids. We had so many employees working this afternoon and helping the kids study for exams that everyone thought the two in question were with someone else. When Karen realized what was going on, she called down here to tell me.

I grabbed my jacket and to join the others looking for them. Brayan went to look in their closets and discovered shoes, blankets and toys were gone. We also found out that one of them had some money. We were thinking they had got on a bus and were already in town. That makes it much harder to find them. By the time we drive to town, where do we even begin to look.

Dorian and Ivan left in a car, headed to town. Marc was thinking about driving the other direction. We stood on the back porch debating what to do and whom to call. Marc said lets pray for our boys. Marc, Karen, Stacey, and I held hands and prayed for the kids. We prayed for their safety and their quick return. As we finished, Karen decided she better go ahead and call IHFNA.

Before she could make that call, Dorian called and said he had them. They had their bags packed and were playing with some friends from school. The school is a good long way from here and they were further than the school. Thankfully, they had not got on a bus.

God heard our prayers and answered quickly. All praise to God for keeping the boys safe.


1 comment:

Trey Morgan said...

Sometimes we forget something as simple as praying. :)