Tuesday, August 24, 2010

She's Home

My mom finally got to come home from the hospital today. It was after 7:30 p.m. before we pulled into the driveway.

Thank you for your many prayers. It has been a very long week. I am going to bed.

Good night.



Anonymous said...

Happy you were able to go to Nebraska with Mark, and glad you will be able to see your mom safely at home before you have to leave our area. Was so excited to see your kids first entry in their blogg since they arrived in Costa Rico. I signed my comment to them, linda, and told her you will tell her who I was, and that my kids grew up with you and Mark and that my grandkids grew up with their Tindall cousins, and that I was from Borger. I am so excited they are beginning to record their time there. What a wonderful thing for young people to get to live their dream in such a worthwhile manner. I pray they will be as successful as you and Mark have been and I will add them to my prayer list , and I know it will be a blessing to me to keep up with their life as they serve God. linda

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great time with Steve. Loved seeing the beautiful country. SO thankful you Mother s doing better, and glad you were able to be here with her. God is SO good to us, isn't he.
