Monday, August 2, 2010

Rain, Rain

Honduras has two season, a rainy season and a dry season. The rainy season usually lasts from May through November with a good break in July. This year the rain started in April and we saw no break in July. We have had two tropical storms dumping inches and inches of rain on us. In June there was about 35 inches and I haven't kept track in July. But a lot. A whole lot. I have live places, like Lubbock, Texas and Los Angeles where there is not 35 inches in one year, much less one month.

The never ceasing rain and the overcast skies that come with it, make me long for the heat in the states. Heat means sunshine. I bet this girl does not complain about the sunshine when she gets to the States this week.

The heavy rains of September and October are yet to come.

Electricity is expensive in Honduras. In the dry season, we hang our clothes to dry. This year the electricity bill has been so high, we have not used the clothes dryers, even though it rains everyday. Karen hung ropes in the house and the clothes are hung there everyday. It works very well. Most of the time, everything is dry by morning. Unfortunately, clothes don't dry as fast in my house. Sometimes, I use a line or two in the afternoon to get our things dry. It is hard not to laugh when I think about only three years ago never imagining hanging my clothes inside Casa de Esperanza.

God is so good. I have clothes to wear and a house in which to hang them to dry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good that you are looking forward to sunshine and warm weather. I think your wish will come true. So hot all of July and now, the 2nd day of Augst.....106!
WOW! I'm looking forward to my favorite time of the year, FALL.
Yes I ,too, am very thakful for our air contitioners in the summer and heaters in the winter. Blessed! See you soon! Be safe~Love you, Sue