Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pay Day

Everyone likes pay day. I always liked pay day. I usually had something in mind on which to spend my hard-earned money. Usually something I did not really need. I never ever had to wait until I got paid to buy food for my children.

I love watching the Hondurans that work for us on pay day. I am a receipt nazi. Marc is not. There is so much activity and so many receipts while groups are in Honduras. Marc just can't keep up with all the receipts. This summer he hired someone just to help him keep with the receipts. He hired an eighteen year old from our church named Kelin (Kaylene). She was good help and was thankful for the job. After one week, Marc paid her. She was jumping up and down and was so excited. She had never had money of her own.

The ladies that work at Casa are equally fun to watch. It is a law that we have to pay our employees a month's pay once in June and again in December. Everyone knows they are going to get it and are expecting it. Yet, when those dates roll around, and I actually give it to them, there is excitement and gratitude. Every one thanks me and is grateful for this extra pay. There is excitement from everyone, Dilma and Nadia are usually the most excited. Dilma gives a little clap.

Sometimes on those big payroll months, I worry just a little about it being covered. It always is because God is so good all the time. When I hear the gratefulness from each of our employees and see a little clap or their faces full of excitement, I quickly forget all my concerns.


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