Friday, January 20, 2012

The Ventriloquist

Every morning except Sunday, we have a morning devotional.  I want the kids to learn to worship God, but I also want them to behave and follow rules.  I don't normally allow very much nonsense during devo. 

In devo, we sing songs, learn one Bible verse a week, and end with a prayer.  We have a new verse every Monday and everyone of the kids has to say it everyday.  There is some grace when a child is new.  Nicole was gently, patiently saying a few words of the verse to Cris and encouraging him to repeat what she said.  He turned his head and would not look at us.  Nicole kept encouraging, when all of a sudden this high squeaky voice began to repeat every word Nicole said.  I jerked my  head around to see if Cris had decided to say the verse.  Adonis was sitting next to Cris and had a huge grin on his face.  Adonis was saying the verse for Cris.  And he was not moving  his lips at all.  Everyone was just about to bust out laughing.  Only when I busted out laughing, everyone else did.  It was really funny and it was ok for everyone to laugh.  Nicole said,"thank you Cris.  Adonis, it is your turn."  Adonis did not say, I just said it; in his normal voice, he said the entire verse.

And that little bit of silliness in devo set the tone for a really good day.


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