Thursday, October 8, 2009

Walking With God

Things and people start early around Casa. I am a morning person and I like my solitude before I see anyone else, therefore, I start earlier than anyone else. I read my Bible first. And then at 5:00 I walk for 30 minutes. I love that time of day when the last of the remaining stars are being erased by the breaking morning light. Many of our neighbors are probably out of bed and preparing for their day, but they are still inside. The morning is really, really quiet. Except for the roosters, the donkeys, and the dogs. But I hardly notice them.

I decided some time back that I might try mulit-tasking and start praying while I had my morning walk. It has proved to be a wonderful decision and I now hate to miss that prayer time with God. Each morning as I walk out the door, I feel God is waiting on me. We walk along, hand in hand, as I pour out my heart to Him. This morning I had a lot on my mind and I as I exited the house, I could feel God put His arm around my shoulder and say "tell me all about it." And I did. I talked as hard and fast as I could for 30 minutes. I probably could have gone another 30 minutes, but Rosy had to be taken to school. Some mornings, when I have a lot to tell God, like this morning, I really pound that pavement.

I can honestly say that walking along with God every morning is the best 30 minutes of the day.


1 comment:

Robin said...

ahhh Terri - love this - I will be thinking of you in the mornings when I get up for my own quiet time. God is so very good.