Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another Group

Another group has come and gone. This is the third year a very small group has come from Walnut Creek, California. This year they were five in number.

While small in numbers, they accomplished great things.

This group built two houses and they fed hungry people. And I mean they fed hungry people. Sunday they took hamburgers and toys to the hospital. Hamburgers to parents who had been sitting with sick children and had no money with which to feed themselves. Tuesday, they worked in the feeding center, helping cook and serve over 2oo hungry kids. Wednesday they bought food, packed it and distributed it on the mountain out of Ojojona. Friday, they went to the fruit market, bought and packed fresh fruits and vegetables and distributed food bags near Danli.

Of course, they spent some time at Casa de Esperanza, playing and falling in love with our children.

Thanks Walnut Creek. We can't wait til next year.


1 comment:

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
Just read this blog. Right on! God can do amazing things with five christians with loving souls.
These are the types of memories to cherish and be thankful for. All will benefit, it is a win-win.
Blessings to you and all christians you write about.