Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Corn Tamales

Monday Marc went to Santa Katarina to take food and make plans to start building the feeding center. Marc met with the person that will be the preacher. He and his wife will also manage the feeding center. Marc felt it was a productive day.

It is corn season and I guess there must be corn every where. They insisted Marc take some elote. Elote is corn on the cob, but not sweet corn like we eat in the States. It takes a bit longer to get done, but it was good. Marc and I each ate one ear and Marc gave the rest of it to Casa.

Yesterday, our ladies shucked all this corn, taking care to save the husks. They then scraped the corn from the cobs. This morning a huge bucket of corn was taken to the molida which is the grinder. It costs sixty cents to have all this corn ground. After it was ground, it looked a lot like mush.

The ground corn was brought home and mixed with butter and milk. It was then formed and the husks were again wrapped around the mixture. Elvia put a little water in the bottom of a shallow pan, laid more husks on top, and they were steamed on the burners, not the oven, for about an hour.

That is what we had for supper with just a little cream on top. They were taken out of the husks while they were still hot. They looked like tamales, but they had no meat in them. They were sweeter than cornbread and oh so good. I could get use to eating those things quite often.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like something I would really like to eat also. I love cornbread and corn about any way. Did the children enjoy it? It might be a thing they usually eat tho even at their homes. Nice to hear about the different things you eat there. I like to hear about the different fruits and vegies you get there. Is the growing season almost year round or is it too cold sometimes. linda