Friday, October 30, 2009

The Political Crisis Is Over

So the papers said this morning.

The former president has been holed up in the Brazilian embassy since Septemer 21 when he returned to Honduras. There are 60 people there with him. And two bathrooms. I don't think it has been the experience he thought it would be.

There has been many talks and no resolution.

The papers and the news proclaimed the crisis is over. An agreement was reached. Mel has agreed to let the national congress determine what will happen and to abide by their decision. The national congress is not going to restore him to power. I don't know exactly know what will happen. The Zelayists are happy and celebrated into the night last night.

From what we understand, the elections at the end of November will be honored by all other nations.

Let us hope and pray that this unrest is finally over.


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