Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Closing Of One Chapter And The Beginning Of Another

After more than nine years at Casa de Esperanza, today was Karen's last day.  It is so sad to think of Casa without her.  It has been an honor to work with her for the last nine years.   I cannot imagine what the kids are feeling right now.  Some of them only know their mommy as Mommy Karen. 

We have big shoes to fill.

After much prayer and discussion, the board has hired Luci Mondragon.  Luci is our preacher's wife.  She has worked for Casa since February  She has been taking the kids to Teleton.  She did not know it, but I was watching her closely as the board considered her.  I liked the way she interacted with the kids and the way she loved them.  I watched the kids interact with her as well.

I am sad to see Karen leave, but I look forward to working with Luci and expect good things to happen.

Here's wishing all the best to Karen and Dorian in their new life. And to Luci in her new position.

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