Sunday, May 27, 2012

Girl Time

As work is being done on Matt and Nicole's house, they are living here.  I love it.  Sweet Haley gets up in such a pleasant mood.  Having my daughter around all the time. 

Last week, Matt and Marc and all the interns went to Copan.  I envisioned Nicole and I having all this wonderful girl time.  We were going to eat lunch in town one day, which we did after I took her to the doctor.  We were going to go to town one evening for supper.  The only night we went to town was to take the three that drank gasoline to the emergency room.  I thought we would have gourmet meals and visit late into the night.  Ha!  We both are too tired at night to do much visiting.  Between us, we did good to get any food on the table, the laundry washed and hung on the line and the dishes done.  There has been nights of both of us working. 

Even though, it didn't work quite like I had it planned, it has been a great week having Nicole and Haley here.  Sometimes, you can't plan that special time.  It just happens.


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