Monday, May 7, 2012

April Newsletter

Casa de Esperanza
Making a difference, one child at a time
P.O. Box 9222
Columbus, MS 39705

Amigos de Casa,

The rainy season has begun much earlier than normal. Many days it is a rush to get the clothes washed and on the lines so they can dry before the rain begins. This is very unusual for this time of year, but we are grateful for the short dry season.

First quarter exams have already been completed. Some of the kids need to study a little harder. As the new quarter begins, Reina is returning to school. Being aroung two and four year olds all day, her behavior was regressing. She has been placed in third grade. She has to do as much work as she can. The other third graders had to write numbers from 6000-9000. Reina had to write from 1-100. It took a while, but she got it done, and, without too much frustration. She is still going to Teleton and Nicole is still working with her of an afternoon. In addition to her regular classes at Teleton, she is currently taking a self-esteem class.

Teleton helps some of these kids with special learning problems, but they also try to build the children's self-esteem. There recently was a parade for all the Teleton students. Maryuri and Reina's class had to dress as professionals. Reina wanted to be a teacher. Maryuri wanted to be a doctor. A neighbor made the cutest little lab coat for Maryuri. Reina wore a professional looking suit. Guadalupe and Fernando had to wear green shirts. There were marching bands and the whole works for the parade. All the noise from the band drove little Maryuri to a meltdown. She wasn't going to march in the parade, but Nicole and Haley marched with her. Every child in that parade felt special by the time the day was over. Even Maryuri.

Pamela continues to help with the babies and the younger children in Mirian's house. We are so proud of the job she is doing. She has really stepped up to the plate. She helps with laundry, showers, homework, and whatever else is needed.
Brayan also has a job. He is working for Byron at the cafe. Brayan waits on tables, buses tables, makes some of the smoothies. He, too, is good help and always has a smile on his face while working. The kids know they have to keep their grades up in order to keep their jobs.

It is the time of the year to see the dentist. Nohemy, Cindy, and Ana all had one tooth pulled. They were all baby teeth and as rotten as could be. Even though I held their hands and let them squeeze my hand as hard as needed, there was a lot of tears from all three girls. Jackson's treatment will wait until another month. Nohemy is going to have a lot of treatment. She has horrible teeth and her lower jaw sticks out further than her upper one. An expander is coming soon and then other things she probably will not enjoy. Next week three or four more kids will see the dentist.

The twins are growing. Formula has been changed a couple of times, and I think we have finally found the right one. They are both sleeping through most of the night. Mirian is finally resting, too. The babies both have some problems and will be seeing specialists.

The current mayor of Tegucigalpa is running for president. His wife visited Casa. Most of the kids were in school, but she visited with the preschoolers. They especially enjoyed the cake and pepsi she brought for them.

After a month in Copan for language school, our new Casa intern arrived. Christina is from Tennessee and a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University. She was a Honduras Hope intern last summer. She has committed to working at Casa for one year. We welcome her to Casa.

A couple of years ago, we got chickens. The chickens laid eggs for us until they could lay no more. They were killed and we enjoyed chicken soup for a while. Forty new chickens have arrived and already laying eggs. These chickens are laying many more eggs than the old ones ever did.

And speaking of eggs, hunting Easter eggs is not a Honduran tradition, but we let our kids hunt them this year. Karen and Nicole hid the eggs. The little kids hunted first and then the older kids. Everyone had fun.

This morning as the kids were finishing chores and coming outside to play, Antonio and Fernando began playing soccer. Antonio fell and was hurt. Marc rushed him to Tegucigalpa. His tibia is broken and he soon will be in surgery. Please pray for him.

As the kids are becoming teenagers and entering puberty, they are facing more and more challenges. Please lift up these kids in prayer. Also, please pray for us. Pray that God gives us the wisdom help the kids deal with their challenges. We appreciate your encouragement, support and prayers. Please, don't stop those things. The road is long and hard for the kids and for those of us trying to guide them.

Please feel free to share this newsletter. If you have any questions, email me at

Terri Tindall

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