Saturday, May 1, 2010


Marc and I were up and had eaten pancakes, when the phone rang at 6:30. That is a little early on Saturday for the phone to ring, but not completely unheard of. Marc answered and I could tell something was wrong, and then he said "I'll be right up", briefly leaving me to think something was wrong with one of the children.

Fortunately, the children were all ok. Unfortunately, the husband of one our employees had been killed in an accident. Yesterday I sent out the Casa de Esperanza newsletter and I told about a new employee that was working out so well, Pamela Martinez. It was her husband. A month ago I wrote a blog about a young man being baptized. It was this young man that was killed. He was hit by a car as he was walking home from work. We are in shock. We are sad.

Pamela is in her late twenties. I guess Ronnie is somewhere near the same age. They have a two year old son. I saw Pamela's tears of joy at Ronnie's baptism. I watched them the next week at the beach during worship. They were holding hands, worshipping together, and looked so happy.

Marc and Karen and Dorian helped the family all day. Funeral preparations are much different here than they are in the States. Pamela has no money for a casket or anything. Marc and Dorian and some of Ronnie's friends had to dig the grave. An all night vigil begins at midnight at Pamela's house. I don't know all that happened today.

I told the staff that worked today. They were just as shocked and sad as we are. About 8:30, I asked Sandra to tell the children. We called them all together, except for Brayan. Brayan was up at the front gate waiting on Dorian. Sandra told them kindly and gently. Then she asked them all to stand. We help hands and Sandra said the most sincere, heart-felt prayer I think I have ever heard. That is when I lost it. I hugged each of the children. They were upset. They love Pamela. And Ronnie. I went outside to intercept Brayan before he got back in the house and I told him.

The children have done pretty well today, but they have said a few extra prayers for Pamela today. Tonight as I was putting the boys to bed, I talked to them a little bit and then asked Brayan to say a prayer. Brayan sleeps on one of the top bunks. He sat up, got on his knees, closed his eyes and prayed his little heart out. We should all pray like that.

This has been a hard day at Casa, for this little church and this little community. Tomorrow will be hard as well. Pamela will have many hard days ahead of her. Please pray for her and the family.


1 comment:

Jeanne said...

So sorry to hear of this tragedy, Terri. My prayers are with Pamela and the children and I rejoice that Ronnie was a Christian.