Monday, May 17, 2010


Every week, the children receive one lempira to give at church. Everyone has to give that one. It is not optional and not open for discussion. At first we had some that tried to hide it and not give. Now, they willfully and cheerfully give that lempira to God. On paper, they receive nine more lempiras. We keep a chart with everyone's name on it, and when they misbehave we deduct one lempira at a time. We cannot deduct two or more for one offense. If they have a really horrible week, and some do, we can only deduct nine times. We never start deducting into the next week's money. The following Sunday afternoon, when on paper, most have a clean slate for the next week, we give them what they have left and open the store. They can spend everything they have if they desire. And most desire.

Our drinks cost too much for them to buy, so we now have some smaller drinks that cost six lempiras. They really like it when they can buy a little coke. They buy gum and candy and cookies. It is a fun way to spend Sunday afternoon.

One week before we went to the beach, we didn't open the store. We told them they would have double to buy snacks for the beach. Some had a sackful of one lempira stuff. They were so excited to be able to buy that much.

If they loose a school book or break a pencil on purpose or use their shoe laces to make bows and arrows, Karen deducts that as well. And she tells them exactly what is for. Trying to teach responsibility is a difficult thing.

Ever once in a while, Marc will say, if you can say ten lempira in three weeks, you can go to the movie. Or a while back, if you can save twenty lempira in the month of April, you can go to the waterpark. Not that 10 lempiras pay for a movie or twenty for the waterpark, it is just the fact that we are trying to get them to think of the future. Not just a little coke this afternoon. When they earn the outing, Marc pays the rest of the cost. Brayan, Antonio and Pamela always save theirs quickly. For the waterpark, Daniela and Ana saved theirs along and got to go the waterpark yesterday, too.

Most of the ones that did not get to go to the waterpark, were not upset. They were perfectly happy drinking their little cokes yesterday. I always ask every child, if they want to save and they just see the immediate gratification of that coke or cookies. Some will never learn to save, like Nohemy. She wants that drink and she leaves smiling her big toothless grin.

The ones that went to the waterpark yesterday did not buy from the store. But their money was saved for next week. Brayan is already making plans to buy a larger coke.

I hope some of them learn to save a little, once in a while.



Jeanne said...

Terri, I love this post! What a wonderful thing you all are teaching these children. Even if only one or two learn to fore-go the instant gratification, that will be awesome. You all do such a good job. God bless you!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the older kids are learning to save faster than the younger ones.