Sunday, May 23, 2010

Because He Lives...I Can Face Tomorrow

This song by the Gaithers was, I think, written in the 70s. I loved it from the moment I heard it. It is still one of my favorite songs. It was sung at both my dad's and my sons' funerals. Because of that it often brings a tear or two to my eyes. But I still love that song.

Some weeks are harder than others. The children don't listen and don't do well on exams. One has a major meltdown. An employee quits. Other people beat you up. Sometimes it is easy to think, what is the point of all of this.

I remember that empty grave and the hope for tomorrow. I remember to withdraw and talk to the God that gives me that hope. I go to church and worship with other believers whom have that same hope.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. And another week. But, I pray this new week, will be a bit more kinder to us than the one just passed.



Belinda said...

I too love this song.Thank you for the reminder. We get so caught up in our crazy lives we forget why we have life,Because He Lives!

Great post.

Anonymous said...

This too, is one of my favorite songs. The words are a constant reminder of what our life on earth is all about. So, so sorry this was not a good week for you, Terri. God knows your struggles and your heart. He is our comforter and our strength. I pray this is a better week for you and all at Casa. Looking forward to next weekend seeing you and our family. Love you..Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh Terri, a moving blogg entry. Will keep you especially in our prayers, that you can face tomorrow, because he lives. Keep on keeping on. I always say "This too will pass" and soon I hope. linda

Rosemary said...

Me, too.

sharon said...

I've always loved that song, and will never forget it being sung at your son's funeral. It was beautiful, and a perfect message for all of us.

Ginger said...

i understand.

Kim said...

Boy can I relate to your blog. Some weeks you really do have to remind yourself that God is so much bigger than where you are at in that moment. I am sorry last week was so rough. Praying God is HUGE for you this week.

Blue-Eyed Mystery said...

I love that song! I can understand what that's like too. I volunteered at an orphanage for a year in Honduras. We had 11 toddlers and three babies with little to no help. They weren't to the age where they did bad in school, but they did have behavior problems often. The employees were always quitting and it was overwhelming at times, but we just had to keep trusting God and keep loving the kids.