Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Maria Isabel

Some things deserve a post even if I have already posted once today.

Yesterday an extremely poor, destitute family was brought to the attention of Jen and Ashley. This family consists of a grandmother and her four grandchildren, three siblings and a cousin. The entire family was starving and living in a horrible situation. The youngest of these four children is a little girl named Maria Isabel, called Isabel. She is four years old and weighs 19 pounds. To say she is severely malnourished and severely dehydrated would be an understatement. I know situations like this exist. I just haven't seen them yet. This precious child began having seizures four months ago. The grandmother has no money and no transportation and no way to get her to the hospital and no way to help her. How very sad that this child was receiving no care. The grandmother was trying to feed her, but, due to the seizures, she was unable to swallow. Her little arms and legs are atrophied and she is curling up into a fetal position. Her head is lice infested. There was no food in the house. The grandmother and the other children are malnourished also. Not as bad as little Isabel. In another few days, little Isabel would have starved to death.

Jen and Ashley took Isabel to Hospital Viera. This is a private hospital and the doctors there are good doctors. Jen and Ashley are taking turns sitting round the clock with this little one. Marc and I went in today to see her and take diapers and baby food. She had to have the baby food with no chunks. Jen was giving her a medicine dropper of juice. With that and the IV, from yesterday until today she was, at least, rehydrating a little bit.

The pediatriciain came in this afternoon and said she has cerebral palsey. Marc is going to contact the special needs orphanage and see if they have room for her. We are all praying she can go there.

How very sad to see this little one in such a horrible condition. Please pray for little Isabel and that we can find a home for her that can care for her special needs.



Ginger said...

I will email my thoughts on this sad sad condition of a child. love, ginger

Anonymous said...

You must have to work on your emotions all the time to keep from getting teribly depressed. Then on the other hand at least you are doing all that you can to make things better. That must be a real comfort to you. You never know what kind of situation will present itself in a new day, do you? We keep the both of you in our prayers constantly. linda Stegall