Monday, January 7, 2008

Belated Christmas Present

Marc and I have a friend in Nashville that gave a check for Christmas for the kids. Jen and Karen had some friends that did the same thing. Since others had provided Christmas, all of us decided to get something big, really big, that everyone would enjoy. The decision was made to buy a trampoline. It was purchased in Florida and put on the container that was suppose to be here before Christmas. Things being as they are in Honduras, of course, that container did not get here before Christmas. In fact, it is the one we unloaded in the dark and the rain Thursday night. The two huge boxes of trampoline did not get out here to Casa de Esperanza until Friday afternoon and we were somewhere else building on the kindergarten. The boxes were put inside the dorm.

Yesterday afternoon, Marc and Kameron assembled the trampoline. The instruction booklet was only 20 pages long. But what man needs an instruction booklet. There were not any spare parts when they finished and the trampoline looked like the one on the box. Marc even said he expected it to take a lot longer than it actually did.

It was Sunday afternoon I was curled up in the dorm with a book. Around 3:30, I heard all kinds of screams and squeals of delight. I knew, without a doubt, the trampoline was finished. I rushed out with my camera and there were the first group of four kids jumping on the trampoline. I am not sure who was more excited, Marc or the children.

Everyone took turns and trampoline jumping until it was time for showers. They were all ready to get on it again this morning, when they got up.


1 comment:

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
Is that Cindy facing the camera and grinning from ear to ear? Or is that Cindy with the back of her head to the camera?
I am going to get new glasses soon and then maybe I can see better!
What a beautiful scene to see so many happy kids all at once having a great time.
These kids are so blessed. Marc , you and your Christian team are the best!!
Love, Ginger