Sunday, October 6, 2013


Today Ana had plans to attend a youth group outing.  She told me early in the week what she needed and we had those things ready.  She was really excited.  She knows the rule that her chores have to be done before she leaves.  Today, her chore was folding clothes.

This morning church lasted a really long time.  We sat down to eat as soon as we returned from church and clothes were changed.  Cindy had to take the clothes off the line.  Ana could not fold the clothes until Cindy took them down.  When Cindy gets in a mood, there is really nothing to be done. 

Cindy walked outside as slowly as possible and began to take the clothes down, moving without a worry in the world.  Ana went outside to help Cindy and was told her help was not needed. 

Ana came back inside and was standing anxiously at the window watching Cindy take her sweet time.  I was thinking Ana should not be punished because Cindy won't do her chore.  But, I am thinking to myself if I tell Cindy she has to do her chore and Ana's she will be in a worse mood.  And, no one wanted to deal with that. 

I was thinking about what to do.  Ana is not crying but panic is written all over her face.

Everyone could see what Cindy was doing.

Sweet Sisi walked up and asked what time Ana had to leave.  I told her 2:00 and it was close to 1:15.  Sisi said, "I will help Ana fold the clothes so she doesn't have to not go:"  Sisi got a hug from both Ana and me.

It is moments like this, when you think,  maybe we really are making a difference.

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