Monday, October 7, 2013

A Sad Day

We have a child that needs psychiatric help.  As I have said before, these children have had a hard life and seen and experienced things most of us cannot comprehend.  And, some of them cannot process these things well.

It was one of those crazy Monday mornings.  Some of the children had school and some did not.  The houseparent in the little house was leaving for her days off and had to be checked out.  Marc and Matt were leaving with the child at the same time the houseparent was leaving.  The other children were not wanting to do their chores because they were wanting to spend every second of time with the child leaving. 

As the child and Marc and Matt got in the car to leave, I was trying not to cry.  Ana sobbed.  I hugged her and prayed with her.  And the tears began to flow from my eyes.  Katy was crying.  I picked her up and hugged her and carried her around for a bit.  I brushed her hair in an attempt to be soothing.  Nothing worked for her.  Jose was curled up in Nicole's lap crying.  Nicole was trying to comfort him.  She, too, was crying.  Fernando, too, was crying and snuggled up to Nicole and Jose.  Then Ana buried her head in Nicole´s shoulder.  And Cindy crawled in my lap with Katy. 

Of course, I was sad.  And, probably would have cried even if the kids had not.  But, as the other kids were hurting so badly, I hurt even more.  Everyone's heart was hurting this morning.

Katy was the only one that was crying and had to go to school.  I encouraged her to settle down.  I always ask one of the children to pray for the day before we leave for school.  Today, was no exception.  It was a subdued ride to school this morning.

Please, please pray for the child that left this morning.  Pray that that one will soon be home with us and pray for the other children and as they try to come to terms with one child being gone.

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