Monday, August 26, 2013

Vision Appointments

IHNFA asked us to get Josue and Olman's eyes tested.  We did not really have an option on this one.  When Nicole last took Emma Kate to the pediatrician, she asked for a reference for someone that could test the babies' eyes.  The doctor gave a name and the hospital at which the eye doctor worked.  No phone number.

One day, Debbie went to town to find the hospital ( one to which we had never been) and make the appointments.  She is taking the bus and cabs and asking where this hospital is.  Once she arrived, she was told she would have to call one day for appointments the next day.  She did leave with a number.

We did not make the appointments immediately because we had to find a day when two of us could go.  With two babies, it takes two adults.  We finally got the appointments for this afternoon at 4:00.  Nicole and Debbie went.  That meant Emma Kate also went.  Three babies.  I told Nicole I knew where the hospital was, but I wasn't sure where the parking was.

Nicole loaded all three babies in the car and left here around 2:30.  She parked at the food court and walked.  It was about the closest place to park.

And, of course, the doctor was late.

Taking Olman is never a pleasant experience.  And, today was no exception.  He screamed.  And screamed.  And screamed.  And screamed some more.  I don't know how the doctor checked his eyes with all that screaming.  She may have charged us more than she normally would have and called it pain and suffering.

After a very long time, the doctor was finished and the doctor said nothing was wrong with their eyes.  Whew!  Are we glad. 

Nicole got back to the food court and found she had to have purchased something to get to park for free.  She gladly bought herself and Debbie a granita and got her card stamped.  I think I would have done the same thing.

Last time I talked to her, she was in horrible traffic and did not expect to be back for a long, long time.

I am very thankful these appointments are over and that all is well.  I don't think Olman has another appointment for a while.  I hope so.  We all hope so.

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