Sunday, June 26, 2011

Windmill Farms

For months we have know windmill farms were being built in and around Santa Ana.  There is no way we could not know.  There is heavy truck traffic improving dirt road and destroying the main paved road.  Trucks and people moving around town like busy little ants.  Sometimes, I am not even sure I like all this congestion in our little town.

The company building the windmill farms has been in the kids' schools passing out good treats and notebooks with their name plastered everywhere.  The kids can certainly tell you the name of the company. 
You can kind of see why the road is destroyed.

Activity.  Activity.  Activity.  And then Thursday the first windmill appeared on the horizon.  By Friday, the fourth one was going up.  As we left for visitation, there was squeals of delight.  The kids were elated.  Temporarily, they were so excited they almost forgot we were going to visitation.  Fernando could not even talk.  He was stuttering, something he has not done in so long that I can't remember the last time he did it. 

The activity will continue for a long time and the kids will be excited for a while as more windmills go up.  And then some day, no one will even notice any more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so nice tho that the kids there can become so excited over things like that these days. I think here in the USA, no telling what it would take to excite children of that nature. Remember the first space adventures, and now we hardly even know when there is another event like that going on. It is refreshing to hear of their excitement. linda