Saturday, January 2, 2010

Writing On The Wall

A couple of mornings each week, the kids have a period of reading and/or studying. Some of the kids can't read and other activities are found for them. Most practice on their handwriting. Nohemy cannot read or write. I have been spending time with her, teaching her to write the letter A, both big and small. I write the big A first and then the small a. She writes the small a first and then the big A. She also has a unique way of writing the small a. She draws the circle and instead of putting the line on the right side, she puts it underneath. Depending on the placement, it looks more like a p or a q. I have been real encouraging, telling her how good they are and she needs more practice.

Yesterday afternoon Dilma and I discovered she had been practicing writing her a's, both small and big. The only problem is she has been practicing on the outside wall of the new cottage. And she has done it orange crayon.

Dilma came to get me to show me. Nohemy said Katty did it. Katty said Maryuri did it. Maryuri nearly cried and said she did not do it. Dilma and I had just about decided it could not have been Nohemy because she can't write. I looked a little closer and what I thought was PAPAPA, was Nohemy's unique little a's. I told Dilma I had been working with Nohemy on her A's and that was the way she wrote her small a's. OOPS! Busted.

Miss Nohemy will be spending this morning washing the wall.


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