Tuesday, January 19, 2010


When I visit my mom in Borger, we always play spades, usually every day. My mom and stepdad play cards all the time and they are good. I never win. I am too busy talking and laughing and having fun being with them. I can never remember what has been played. I always laugh and say I will redeem myself next time. It has been years since I won. No one even expects that I will redeem myself.

Today, I redeemed myself. I didn't just eke out a win, I won solidly. My mom was a hundred points behind me and my stepdad didn't even have a respectable showing. I think he said he would redeem himself tomorrow. We will see, won't we.



Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
Have fun and enjoy this time with your family. I am sure you won't have opportunity to play cards once you get back to Honduras so beat em while you can.
love, ginger

Churchill said...
