Friday, April 24, 2009

Frenzied Friday

Miss Maryuri when she was having a better day than today.

Today everyone had to be somewhere, but not the same place. Some of the kids had to go to school at 8:00, some to visitation, at 10:00, some to Teleton at 11:00, and one had to go to both visitation and Teleton. We sat down and carefully mapped out all of this. Dorian would leave for visitation at 9:00 and get Rosy on his way home. Karen would take the kids to school and stay here and go get them from school. I would leave for Teleton at 9:45. I would drive to Teleton and take Sandra, Doris, and Reina. I would then drive to Casitas Kennedy and get Maryuri and drive back to Teleton. Piece of cake. Right.

All went according to schedule up until the time I left Teleton for Casitas Kennedy. Karen called and said Maryuri's appointment had been changed from 12:00 to 1:00. We decided I would stay at Casitas with Dorian. Since we had not prepared any snack, I would leave Casitas at 12:00 with Maryuri and stop and get sandwiches for the girls and Sandra.

Little Maryuri had a DPT shot yesterday and is not feeling well. When it was time to leave Casitas, she started crying and screaming for her mommy. Then the mother asked if she could go to Teleton with me and talk to someone there. I did not feel good about this at all and said no. Maryuri is screaming and crying louder. I said we will stop at Wendy's. I hated saying that in front of Cindy, Brayan and Jackson because they weren't stopping. They were coming home to eat. That did not appease Maryuri. I took her in my arms and headed to my car. She only screamed louder for mommy.

My stomach and everything else was churning. In my opinion, this mother is crazy. I thought she might show up at Wendy's and/or Teleton. And, if so, I wasn't sure what I would do.

We got to Wendy's and Maryuri would not go to the bathroom, but wanted to play on the playground. I had to say no. She is still screaming for her mommy. I caressed and cuddled and spoke soothing words, all to no avail. I managed to order chicken nuggets for the girls and sandwiches for Sandra and me. When we got back in the car, I managed to settle her a bit. She loves to play where's Maryuri and she had no interest in that today.

I got to Teleton and whisked her inside. I felt safe there because no one gets inside Teleton without the proper papers. When she saw Sandra, she rushed to her. I thought maybe she will completely settle. Sandra picked her up and loved on her. Everyone eagerly ate their food except Maryuri. My stomach was still churning and I should not have eaten my sandwich. I ate it anyway. I wish I had not.

When the psychologist came for Maryuri, Sandra walked her to the door. The psychologist and Maryuri went in and shut the door. In less than five minutes, they came back out and Maryuri was having a complete meltdown. The psychologist could not even begin the session today.

We got in the car and started home.

Reina sang most of the way home. Maryuri would not sing with her. Maryuri refused to talk until we were almost home.

My heart was breaking for the child. I don't know what she was feeling. Try as I may, I could not help her or make it better for her. Please pray for this little one as she experiences emotions most of us have never known.



Anonymous said...

Breaks my heart. Thank you for all that you do for the precious children.jl

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
This child needs you and will one day see that her life was impacted because you cared so much. Others care for her as well. Many seeds are being planted for her happiness.
Psalm 126:5: "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy."
I cannot help but encourage you to keep up the good faith. You have taken a huge step of faith to do the Lord's will where this one is concerned.
I am praying for you. I know you are emotionally drained watching this child's life unfold and have so much patience and love.
Thank you for spending your days unselfishly.