Thursday, December 11, 2008

Traveling With A Princess

In October while Marc and I were in Hiper Pais, the closest thing to Wal-Mart in Honduras, we saw this gorgeous 35" Disney princess doll. At the same time we both said, "yes, she needs that." Of course, everyone knows she is Camille.

I thought I would find it on the internet, order it and have it shipped to Nicole's house. I have searched every site I could find on the internet, sometimes way into the night when I should have been sleeping. I could not find this doll. I just knew the doll had to be somewhere so I continued to search. I finally told Marc My Best Friend Princess 35" doll is not to be found in the United States, only in Honduras. Marc says if Poppy has to carry her on the plane, then that is what Poppy will do.

I went to town to buy the doll. Fortunately, I did not wait any longer because when I returned to Hiper Pais, there was only two dolls left. I chose Aurora for two reasons. One, she really is prettier than the other one and two, she is dressed in pink and that is Camille's favorite color.

I brought her home and she has stood around in my house for a couple of weeks. She has watched as sandwiches were made for the dump and been admired by our guests. One of my friends and I wondered if we would have to buy a ticket for her to get to the states.

This morning when we checked in at Tegucigalpa, we had all kinds of comments and stares. As we cleared security, the man asked where we got it, how much it cost and could he buy her. He was calling his wife to tell her about it, when Marc said she is not for sale.

Marc was chosen to have his bags searched. He was glad they did not want to open Aurora's box. He really did not want anyone touching Camille's doll.

The plane from Tegucigalpa to Houston was not very full and she safely rode in one of the overhead bins. As we cleared customs, one man about our age just stared at Marc in disbelief. Another asked if she had her passport. In Houston she stood at our table as we ate. She watched us eating with a smile on her face.

As we boarded the plane in Houston on Continental Express, a much smaller and fuller plane than the one we were on from Tegucigalpa, we weren't sure where she would ride. At first, we thought she was going to ride in the cockpit with the pilots. They had to move her to the back of the plane.

In Little Rock, we had to wait until everyone else was off the plane so we could get to the back of the plane to get her. We had completely humanized her by this time. Poppy was completely true to his word and carried her all the way.

Nathan was waiting when we got downstairs. Camille was home in bed.

Aurora is not through with her travels. She still gets to travel to Texas by car.

Oh what fun it is going to be on Christmas morning to see Camille's face when she opens that box and sees the doll. The things we do for our grandkids.



Rosemary said...

Alls well that travels well!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to know the princess made it to America. You are right, we do amazing things for those grands. Hug that little girl of yours!!!

Ginger said...

I am glad you, Marc and your special gift for Camille all arrived safely. prayers answered.
Have a good christmas holiday.
love, Ginger

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet Aurora!! love you, Janet

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Terri; What a great post! I had to laugh just picturing it. Well, Felicia is down to her last couple days here and we will sure miss her. I am so glad she has the two of you looking out for her. Lord bless you.