Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Sounds

The top three pictures are of some of the people for whom houses were built this week. The man standing by the ladder was so happy about his house. He has worked with us for 3 days, helping with everyone's house. He also led the prayer. As you can see, his hands are raised as he prayed. Several others that were praying had their hands raised, also.
Today we arrived at the job site at 8:30. We were excited and eager to start w0rking on houses again. Imagine our surprise when we got there to find one load of wood already there and unloaded. Imagine our bigger surprise when the second load pulled up. Things like that don't happen in Honduras. With all the lumber there, we could divide into two teams and get these houses done.

Thursday we started on a small site. Three houses were standing in that site, thus, decreasing the area in which to work. The area through which we had to carry lumber was narrow, very narrow. This morning there were more people, more kids, more dogs, less space. Everyone wanted to help haul the wood. Very small children were picking up boards, oblivious to everyone else around. Boards were swinging every direction. I was sure someone, possibly me, would get slapped in the face with a board. Fortunately, this did not happen. As I carried lumber through this narrow place, it was much like driving in Honduras. People passing on all sides, cutting in front of you. It was very chaotic, but how wonderful were the sounds of people laughing, talking, and being excited about houses being built for neighbors.

The tin was put on the third house. The sound of tin crinkling as it was being put on the roof was a happy sound as that meant another house was being completed. As we began to dig the holes for corner posts, there was the sounds of metal hitting rock, and then we laughed and talked and cheered as the post holes were dug to the proper level and rocks were removed. And for the record, Sarah and I removed on really huge rock today. We stopped and took a picture with her camera.

The sounds coming from hammers and chainsaws as they began their work meant work was progressing and the total project was coming closer to completion. All day as we worked and people could see three completed houses and two more in progress, the excitement levels increased. As each piece of wood was chainsawed and fell to the ground, there was a child waiting to pick up that little piece of wood and run home with it. Each little piece of wood that is gathered like that, is firewood that does not have to be found from some other place.

After the chainsaws and hammers were silent, that was a wonderful sound as well. That meant we were through. As wonderful as that sound was, the most wonderful sound of all was the sound of the prayers being said. All the workers and all the families for whom houses were built gathered for a prayer. One man who had helped us all 3 days and whose house was built today was going to say a prayer of thanksgiving. He began to pray loudly, praising God and saying a lot of hallelujahs. As he prayed every person that received a house, also began to pray and thank God. Everyone of them praying out loud, praying their own prayers, weeping with joy. It was the most joyous sound I have ever heard. I am sure you can guess who else was crying.

I am thankful tonight that God gave us the strength, and the stamina to get this job done in three days.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
Indeed, there is love and understanding for the people God has called you to serve.

Talk about rolling up your sleeves and getting involved Terri! I know you and yours are tired tonight.
Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.

Psalms 126:5

Your writing on your blog is excellent Terri and keeps everyone informed of what's going on.

I give a whole-hearted “thank you” to your team from the states. They are a great group of servants! This group glorified God with their hard work and amazing attitudes. Marc's leadership is amazing too. You and Marc are incredible.

I pray for you and your team and the participants as they prepare to go back home.

Even though there is always problems you never fail to see God's love in your unique situations and give thanks to God.

God's blessings on the gospel seed sown with great care this week and watered with your tears.

