Friday, February 8, 2008

Before and After

Here are some before and after shots of our house. The before shots were taken as soon as I got here. Our container was not even here. Notice the lovely block walls. The first two are of my kitchen. The next one is of the bathroom. Again, the block walls and a concrete shower. I really did not like that shower. The fourth shot is of the extra bedroom. This is the best shot of the floor, tile that had been painted ugly gray.
The first after shot is of the arch. They cut this out to open the duplex. The house is now open and spacious feeling. The next one is the new tile, quite an improvement, don't you think. If these Hondurans knew what they could make in the states as tile layers. Then the kitchen, without my stove and refrigerator. The last two are of the bathroom. A nice tile shower and the vanity. The vanity was the only thing I really wanted. I was so excited about these changes. I began to snap pictures immediately. I should have waited until everything was painted. Everything is painted now but one room.
There are now extra bedrooms waiting for you to come see me.


Anonymous said...

The arch is beautiful. A bathroom is very important and I feel the same way about a vanity. We will be happy to see it again when it is all finished. I know you are happy to be in a place of your own where you can have visitors. linda Stegall

Ginger said...

Dear Terri,
I am sure you will make some decorative touches that will make a lot of difference in this home. I know how talented you are in that area. I can't wait to see the pictures you email me when everything is finished. And furniture and wall decor will make this house a home.

I will be content to let you visit me. Honduras is much too far for me to come see you. Love, Ginger