Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nursery Rhymes

I have always liked the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes.  As a young child, I think I knew all of them.  After I had kids, I would rock my babies and say nursery rhymes to them.  And I continued to repeat them as the kids grew older.  Sometimes they, the boys especially, just got sick and tired of them.  But I still loved them.  And still do.  After a long day of running errands, I often say "home again, home again jiggity jog.

Tonight, Nicole was on shift with the Casa kids and had to help put them to bed.  After I fed and bathed Haley, I took her up to watch the movie with the other kids.  But then I went to get her so Nicole could put kids to bed.  Nicole really wanted to tuck Haley in as well.  I brought Haley down here and played with her while we waited on her mommy.  I began to read a couple of books to Haley.  I had bought a book of nursery rhymes that were in both in English and Spanish.  Amazingly, enough, they still rhyme in Spanish and, most of them, still have a fairly close meaning.

I will  have to teach the nursery rhymes to Haley, but if I can learn them in Spanish, I have a new audience of 19 kids that need to hear and learn the nursery rhymes.  I think I could start with "There was an old woman (me) who lived in a shoe.  She had so many children, she didn't know what to do....


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