Monday, April 25, 2011

Lightning Bugs

Saturday night Nadia was off and I slept in the house with the kids.  When it was bedtime, I went with the boys to put them to bed and Dilma went with the girls.  When I put the boys to bed, I usually talk with them a few minutes and then after we turn the light out, I let them talk a few minutes and squirm and wiggle.  It usually helps them go to sleep faster if I am not too strict those first few minutes.

They kept turning the lights off before I was ready.  Since I wasn't ready, I would turn the light back on.  I could not imagine them being that tired even after the outing to the park.  When I finally left the light off, they said."look Terri a lightning bug."  I thought it would not hurt anything if we watched it for a few minutes.

It was definitely a bug and it was definitely flashing neon green, but it was doing some pretty strange things for a lightning bug. In a minute there was two.  One maybe.  But I was doubtful of two inside the house.  Then there was four.  I am thinking,"what did they do, go outside and catch a bunch of lightning bugs and bring into the house for their nighttime entertainment.  The boys are getting really wound up, and not settling down.

I began to say this is enough.  I was going to catch the bugs and take them outside.  Antonio said here is the rest Terri.  I am wondering the rest of what.  I walked over to his bed and he handed me a broken glow stick.  It is the season for bugs and there are plenty in the house.  Those little jokesters broke a glow stick and put on the bugs.  We had watched those stupid little bugs that fly into walls and kill themselves flashing neon green.

Yes, this is a "yay for the stupid kid" story and I was  the stupid kid.  It was funny.  And no, there is never a dull moment around here.



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story Terri! Reminds me of the day catching lighting bugs and rubbing them on us for jewelery with my cousins. Such sweet memories. Love your stories! God bless! Teri

Anonymous said...

Yes boys will be boys. I too think it is a delightful story. Kids are the same everywhere. linda