Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Another day of no school as the teachers take to the streets striking.  That is a subject for another blog.

I walked up to Casa to talk to Karen and she had several on them doing homework.  Jose had a book and was reading, more or less.  It was in english, so I sincerely doubt he was reading too much of it.  That appeared to be ok, except he was suppose to be doing his math.  Karen was busy with some of the kids and Dalys was busy with some.  Jose stuck his lip out and said no one would help him. 

I grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside him and off we went.  I have seen Karen nearly pull her hair out trying to help Jose with math.  Several times I have seen her nearly pull her hair out.  I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but he had to get his math done.

First, he had eight multiplication problems.  We got through that and he was ready to quit.  But there was still 16 division problems.  Just as we had to do, the problems had to be checked.  It was a beautiful day and some of the kids were already playing.  As most nine year old boys are prone to do, he had his mind on other things. 

Jose amazed me that he could look at a problem and know that nine goes into 57 6 times.  He would write that, then have to  count on his fingers what 57 - 54 was.  And count on his fingers the addition part when he checked the problem.  I had not expected him to know the division facts any better than he had simple addition and subtraction.

After he did eight of those division problems, he was restless and starting to complain.  I told Karen we were going to walk around the house one time.  And off we went, hand in hand.  I knew that could go either way, that it would be enough of a break and he would go back in and finish so that he could play or it would break his concentration completely.  Fortunately, the walk around the house was just what he needed.

I sort of challenged him, but did not resort to bribery as I have done in the past, to finish before Daniela.  He smiled that cute little smile and got busy on those last eight problems.  Daniela had a complete melt down over her division and Jose easily finished before her.

Jose understands the division if he can only line the numbers up the way he should.  When he finished, we high-fived three times.

Then Fernando came in to finish his division.  He only  had six problems to go.  He, like Jose, could divide but had to use his fingers for the addition and subtraction part.  Karen said every one of the kids did that.  I am really glad they understand division, but we should go back to the basics on the addition and subtraction.

Another day of homework complete, at least for some.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terri, I found that using graph paper (Centimeter-sized squares is my favorite.) helps the kids keep the place values lined up. Let me know if you need me to send you some. If so, send your address, or maybe I can get it from Sue.

Love you and Marc, and so proud of the good works you two are doing!

Tamie McGough Stansbury