Thursday, March 10, 2011

Amazing Grace

How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.

Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I went to the dump with Marc.  Unfortunately, there is still hundreds people working and living in the dump.  Still scrounging for food with the buzzards.  Still hungry.  Still dirty.  Most of the people were glad to see Marc.  A group from West Virginia joined us to help feed.

After everyone had been fed, we, the Americans that had fed and the Hondurans that had been fed, circled up, and joined hands.  We sang two songs and were led in prayer.  The first song we sang was Amazing Grace.  I cried as I sang the words and looked about me.  The only hope most of these people in the dump have is God's amazing grace.  And before God's amazing grace saved me I was just as filthy and unclean as those people in the dump.

Thank God for  that amazing grace.


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