Monday, December 13, 2010

Things I Do Not Take For Granted

Marc and I arrived in Oklahoma City at 11:00 Saturday night. We got to our friend's house at 1:00. Marc preached in Shawnee yesterday morning and Wheeler last night. We then drove on to Borger.

After living in Honduras for over three years, there are things I used to take for granted that now I am very thankful to be able to enjoy the next five weeks.

Being able to flush the toilet paper
Knowing there is enough water to flush the toilet every single time
When I go into a restroom in a restaurant or gas station, I know there will be toilet paper, soap and paper towels. And lots of places have hot water with which to wash my hands.
Nice wide highways with shoulders.
Ice in my soda, tea and water.
When I decide to go to Wal-Mart later today, driving will not be like entering a war zone.
Singing praises to God in English
Having electricity all day, every day
Showers with hot water and lots of pressure at the same time (In Honduras, I get one or the other. I always choose the hot water and a drizzle)
High speed internet
That special time with family and friends.

Count your blessings today. I am.


1 comment:

mandnfitz said...

Other things for me are a house with a heater, dishwashers, and not having to dry clothes out on the line (which is especially good because instead of drying they would become icy) We have so much to be thankful for.

Then there are things like Sonic happy hour, but that would go on some other list. I hope to do Sonic with you in a few weeks.