Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Jesus Banquet Expanded

Two years ago a small group of our friends from Tupelo, Mississippi came to help us feed the hungry people at the Tegucigalpa dump and bring small gifts to the children in the dump. It was a very good day. Later that night, sitting in our house, we talked and dreamed about serving the people in the dump a sit down dinner. The Jesus banquet was born that night. It took a lot of prayer and hard word to make the first Jesus banquet a success. But any thing done in God's name and to His glory is always a success.

Again, our friends from Tupelo came to be apart of this. Others came also. From Childress, Shawnee, Atlanta, Nebraska and other places.

This year as we planned for the second Jesus banquet, we knew our friends from Tupelo were not coming. I was very thankful for the seventy plus people that came to serve at the Jesus banquet. It took every one of us and I now have several new friends. As I worked and fellowshipped with people and thanked God that every single one of them was there, there was a vacancy that our Tupelo friends were not with us. They helped launch this idea.

And why were they not in Tegucigalpa helping us with the Jesus banquet this year? They were in Tupelo serving their own Jesus banquet to the homeless and hungry in Tupelo. How awesome is that? This year they served 175 people. Just like we plan to do in Tegucigalpa, they plan to make this an anual event.

And in February, Maria Phillips is planning a Jesus banquet in Jacksonville, Illinois.

Wouldn't it be cool if there could be Jesus banquets all over the United States?


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