Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rosita Starts School

Last Friday, when everyone dressed in their uniforms and left for school, Rosita was quite angry that she was not going to school as well. For her, school started Monday. The bus did not run on Monday morning, so she and I left here at 6:15. It took over an hour and a half to get to Manos Felices. She wanted to stop at Campero's at 7:00. Of course, I had to say no.

After being so excited about starting school and so happy to be at Manos Felices the day we went last week, I was surprised when we walked in and she got scared. She stiffened up and backed away. All of the other children rushed over and began to welcome her. That did not help. She backed away further. One of the teachers came and led her into the group. I left shortly. The school said she had a good day, but that she was really shy. This, surely, is not the same Rosita we all know and love.

I was waiting for her bus at 12:30 at a location only 30 minutes from here.

Rosita and Dorian leave here every morning at 5:45 to meet her bus. I do the afternoon run. Tuesday she jumped in the car, unzipped her backpack and showed me her paper. She had written her numbers. I knew she could not understand either "good job" or "que bueno" and I cannot sign that yet, so we just high-fived each other.

She goes to sleep every day on the way home. I know she is tired, but after next week, she will be going to school until 1:30 and I will be meeting the bus at 2:30.

I am so thankful for this school that is meeting her special needs.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity for Rosita to learn and make new friends at her new school. I'm sure she's going to blossom in the next few months. And just think how much you will stretch and grow learning sign language with her! :)
Even though she could not hear your words, your great smile and high-five communicated your love and praise for her job well done!