Monday, July 11, 2016

Emma Kate

Four years ago today, Emma Kate could not wait to be born as she rushed into the world a month early.She spent the next several weeks in and out of the hospital, fighting for her life. 

Today, she is just as healthy as can be.  Praise God.  And full of spunk.  And energy.  And energy.  She has an endless supply of that.  She reminds me of her Uncle Nathan at the same age.

She loves for her family to all be home together at night.  She had a difficult time while we were in Texas.  After my mom died, and we tried to explain to a three year old, she said, "I don't like for people to go see Jesus." 

When Haley was in the hospital, she worried so.  She was very happy for the days we went to see Haley and she wanted to stay with Haley and Mommy in the hospital.  The day Haley was coming home, she was telling everyone that Haley is coming home.  Now she prays, " and I don't want anyone to ever go to the hospital again."

Emmy has her own way of doing things.  Sometimes, that is cute.  Sometimes, that is strong-willed.  She keeps us .laughing. 

This morning, Emma got up at 3:45 so that Nicole could tell her happy birthday.  Nicole was not up at 3:45.  She was ready for me to come up at 5:30 and tell her happy birthday.  She is not excited or anything like that about turning 4.  She threw her arms around Paige and said, "I want my birthday hug, Paigie."

She is so sweet.  And such a stinker.  But don't call her Stinker Binker Bear.

We celebrate tonight.

I am so thankful for that spunky, energetic, funny, strong-willed, sweet, little girl. 

Happy birthday Emma Kate.

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