Sunday, July 31, 2016

A New Church Building

Today has been a busy day.  For everyone. 

I took my Borger friends to the airport and then to the bank.  I came flying in here so that I could do payroll.  I decided to check my email and facebook.  While I chose not to share, there was a memory from five years ago that showed on my page.  It was a blog titled "The Last Sunday in July".   I read the blog and was reminded that the last Sunday in July in 2003 we worshiped in the brand new church building in Los Pinos.  On the last Sunday in July, 2005 we worshiped in the brand new church building in Santa Ana.

Today, the last Sunday in July, 2016, the Starkville group worshiped in the brand new church building in Tierras del Padre.  These guys have worked hard to get this building finished while they were here.  They were human concrete mixers.  I know they worked hard, but there was no complaining.  Each night in devotional they were tired.  Really tired.  But there was excitement in their voices as they shared of the day's events.

The church in Tierras del Padre was started about a year ago.  With much hard work, there has been steady growth.  With much hard work, there in now a new building in which they can worship. 

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