Friday, February 26, 2016


 A couple of years ago, Honduras Hope and the board wanted to become more intentional about sharing Christ.  I think some good things are happening in some of the Honduran churches, not because of Honduras Hope, but because God is working in this country.

I have some good news to report.

Recently in Los Pinos, there have been 6 new baptisms.  This church was planted in 2003. This is a strong church.  The church at Los Pinos is responsible for the church in Lomas Diamante.  A Honduran church planted by Hondurans is a good thing.  The Skillman Church in Dallas is helping support this church.  The church is about 2 years old.  Recently, there have been 12 baptisms there.  Timoteo is working tirelessly there.

The church in Santa Ana hit a rough spot last year, a really rough spot.  Dennis is now the preacher of that church.  The average attendance on Sunday morning has risen from 7 adults to 70.  I don't think Dennis wants the glory for that.  He would much rather the glory go to God. Columbus, Mississippi continues to help with this work.

Then there is a new church in Tiera del Padre. This summer a new church building will be built.  Three churches in Mississippi, Starkville, Winona and Greenwood, have raised the money for this building.  Central Church of Christ in Ada, Oklahoma is helping with preacher support.  I think those Mississippi churches are going to be pleased when they get here in July.  Timoteo, Matt and others are working out there on Sunday afternoons.  There will be a fairly good sized church already in place waiting for its building..

You can just feel the spiritual excitement in the air.  God is so good and all thanks to Him.

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