Saturday, July 18, 2015

June Newsletter

Casa de Esperanza
Making a difference, one child at a time
P. O. Box 9222
Columbus, MS 39705

Amigos de Casa,

I am running a bit behind. That is getting to be the norm, not a norm I like, but nonetheless, the norm.

We are having an extremely dry rainy season. So far, we have had sufficient water, but who know how long that will last. Please pray that we have plenty of water and/or more for rain. I know, I know. Some of you folks would gladly send your rain our way.

May began with a trip to the beach. We had not done this is three years and some of the kids had never been to the beach. It is so much work to prepare for this trip and to clean up after we get back. Every second of the work was well worth it because everyone had so much fun. We were riding along on the bus and we start seeing the tilapia farms. Cris starts shouting, “ la playa, la playa” (the beach, the beach)

 Bathing beauties

Of course, May is full of Mother's day programs. There were seven this year. We met ourselves coming and going, but someone made every single one of them.

May and June brings the return of groups. Groups get a lot of work done for us and they bring a lot of fun.

Work on the wall has resumed.

This wall is a lot of work, but for the security it will provide for the children, it will all be worth it.

Mark Connell's group came and made cotton candy and popcorn. There were lots of smiles that day, both the Casa kids and the group.

Tim Hines' group took us to the zoo in Sabana Grande one Sunday afternoon. We had fun and this was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. We had a real Honduran experience on the way home. The bus broke down and we had to change buses. I was a nervous wreck as we had to get from one bus to the other on the highway. Everyone had to hold an adult's hand. The big kids grumbled about this, but they lived through it. I was able to breathe a big sigh of relief when we were all safe on the other bus.

The Griffiths were here in June for more sewing classes. Doug taught the boys some bicycle repair.

Book bags were made and even most of the boys joined in the sewing this time.

We are blessed to have each one of you as part of this ministry. Please, do not stop praying for the kids and the staff. There are constant battles to be fought.

Thank you for the generous one time donations that many of you made. It has helped our financial situation greatly, but we are not out of the woods. If you are interested in making a one time donation, please contact me. We still have many children who not sponsored. If you can sponsor a child on a monthly basis, please let me know. You can also remember Casa de Esperanza with memorial and honor donations.

Casa de Esperanza
P.O. Box 9222
Columbus, MS 39705

If you have any questions, please contact me by email any time.

Please feel free to share this newsletter with whomever you think is interested.

Again, I thank you for your generous donations and prayers.


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